Patent Number | Title | Inventors | Date | |
1 | 10676518 | A4B2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors with reduced or increased nicotine sensitivity and transgenic mouse model for the same. |
Caballero-Rivera; Daniel, Biaggi-Labiosa; Nilza M, Aviles-Pagan; Emir, Lasalde-Dominicci; José A. |
April 2016 |
2 | 10,155,221 | High-throughput crystallographic screening device and method for crystalizing membrane proteins using a sub physiological resting membrane potential across a lipid matrix of variable composition. |
Lasalde-Dominicci; Jose A., Quesada-Gonzalez; Orestes, Rodriguez-Cordero; Josue, Baez-Pagan; Carlos |
Dec 2018 |
3 | 10,358,475 | High-throughput crystallographic screening device and method for crystalizing membrane proteins using a sub physiological resting membrane potential across a lipid matrix of variable composition. |
Jose A. Lasalde-Dominicci, Orestes Quesada-Gonzalez, Josue Rodriguez-Cordero, Carlos Baez-Pagan |
July 2019 |
4 | 15/996,946 | High-throughput crystallographic screening device and method for crystalizing membrane proteins using a sub physiological resting membrane potential across a lipid matrix of variable composition. |
Jose A. Lasalde-Dominicci | Jan 2022 |
5 | 11,717,819 | High-throughput crystallographic screening device and method for crystalizing membrane proteins using a sub physiological resting membrane potential across a lipid matrix of variable composition-Consolidated |
Jose A. Lasalde-Dominicci | August 2023 |
Patent Awarded
Patent Applications
1. Title: A Method of Treating and Reducing Inflammation and HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) on HIV+ Subjects.
Application number: 14/469,517
2. Title: A Method for Predicting Increased Risk of Suffering Statin-induced Adverse Drug Reactions.
Application number: 13/540,598
3. Title: α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors with reduced or increased nicotine sensitivity.
Application number: 62/153,660
4. Title: High-throughput crystallographic screening device and method for membrane proteins
Application number: 62/356,266
New patent applications in 2023
1 – A continuation-in-part (CIP) patent application entitled “A lithographic RMP@LMx V.2 and V3 device for membrane protein crystallization” for the protection of a Lithographic version device filed on April 11, 2023.
2 – A Provisional Patent application. Filing Receipt – Serial No. 63459620 (Guanosine Microparticles for Vaccine Optimization, Method of Synthesis and Applications Thereof) filed on April 14 2023.